Find out how Info For Me can help you
To get equipment:
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service also provides free home fire safety visits and free smoke alarms.
From your Health and Social Care Partnership
Contact your council’s social care department and ask for an assessment of your care needs
Equipment for your home should be discussed as part of this. You can also bring it up as part of your assessment if you need to.
If you’re a carer, you can ask about equipment during a carer’s assessment.
Buying your own
You can use self-directed support payments if you want to choose equipment yourself. You’ll pay the full cost and be responsible for installations, maintenance, and repairs.
Details of charges will be set out in the council’s charging policy. Your council’s social care department can give you a copy of this.
The Disability Living Foundation gives free advice about buying disability equipment and mobility products. You can also find information on how to get products from the Carers UK website
The information was last updated on: 31st October 2023